Amazing Kitchari 
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Questionnaire / Contact


Learn about what your Ayurveda blended with Traditional Chinese Medicine Five Elements Body Type (as these are sister medicines and both have similar 5 elements). You will learn how to apply this with specific nutrition, acupressure & yoga to help your body heal itself for optimum health and wellness!

  1. Kitchari Cleanse &/or NHM Health Goals

  2. Customize Kitchari Questionnaire

  3. Kitchari Cleanse &/or NHM Informed Consent

  4. Kitchari Cleanse &/or Natural Health Makeover
  5. Carbohydrate Sensitivity Questionnaire


1101, South Winchester Blvd.
Building P-297
San Jose, CA 95128

Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9:30 am - 6:00 pm



*** This is in no way a guarantee of weight loss or a cure for any condition. Consult your physician before proceeding with any weight loss program.  In choosing to proceed with the kitchari cleanse programs you are doing so with the above full knowledge and consent.

Shasta Tierra